Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reasoning of the Law

I think the way that my lawyer answered my questions where more to the point then anything else. A lot of them had to do with breach of contract and simple copyright rules. Just as for some of the questions I would put under the category of creation and publication. Which in tells “ Your work was created on the day you completed it- the day you stood back and said “im done”” (Patent, Copyright, & Trademark Page 367) Which with my questions would apply when I am done modeling or when one of my models are done modeling. Its just common law. I think of the other logic behind his answers would be trademark law I did not really understand some of the answers but from what I read alt of trade marking my name or anything having to do with me would be fine. Then from how I know trademark law it is “ Trademark law addresses the overlapping and conflicting uses of trademark service marks, and trade dress by different business” ((Patent, Copyright, & Trademark Page 36) The knowledge of the different laws by lawyer kjnew about caught my eye just because this is not his field of study. There where also some points in the findings while reading some of the feed back from my lawyer I thought about fair use of the photographers I work with and also me personally modeling.  “ The Copyright Right Act permits any person to make fair use of a published or unpublished copyright work”(Patent, Copyright, & Trademark Page 263) I think the fact that my lawyer gave me a lot of help during the fast time was brilliant. Then also seeing that I woulde need different things when starting a modeling company with underage girls opened my eyes so that I would need to look at the family entertainment and copyright act of 2005. just because there would families involved in the business. This act “a collection of provisions reflecting the interests of various lobbying  groups”. (Patent, Copyright, & Trademark Page 267) . I think overall my lawyer was very good insight on what the questions where and I will be contacting him in the future.

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